Monday, November 01, 2021

자전거 - 12년만에 패달질 → Cleat 교체, Saddle 교체, tube/tire (front & rear) replace

11. .. 
21.09 -  40km
21.09 -  30km
21.09 - 120km (Cleat Shoes)

(*) Cleat Shoes - Look-KEO compatible (RC7)
    RC7-0 black (fix angle)
    RC7-6 red (floating type 2˚, 6˚, 9˚)

   RC5 → Look-ARC compatible
   RC9 → SPD compatible


| item            | money | note              |
| cleats shoes    |    60 |                   |
| cleats Look-KEO |    20 | rc7 fixed. 2 sets |
| tire            |    75 | $40 + 35$         |
| tue             |    36 | $18 X 2           |
| saddle          |    25 | $25               |
| sum             |  $216 |                   |
#+TBLFM: @7$2=vsum(@2$2..@6$2)
 (show notation: C-c } / references: C-c ? / update: C-u C-c / run: C-c C-c)

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

PAM authentication error (Mint Ubunt Linux Grub rescue /etc/pam.d/)

 Unable to sudo: PAM authentication error: Module is unknown [closed]

Mint Ubunt Linux Grub rescue /etc/pam.d/ 


* Refer:


* Problem.

sudo su -


 PAM authentication error: Module is unknown


* Why

sudo apt install kwartz-client


(system reboot)


* check

ls -alh /etc/pam.d/


common-account   <--- changed 1
common-auth      <--- changed 2
common-password  <--- changed 3
common-session   <--- canged 4
common-session-noninteractive   <---changed 5

* fix

remove pam with ldap edited file

remove all ldap module session

change 1,2 order

