Saturday, January 16, 2016


Note that if you don't have the CompizConfig Setting Manager installed, you can use gconf-editor (start it from terminal) and go to :

- apps -> compiz-1 -> plugins -> grid -> screen0 -> options -> top_edge_action
:  ; set this value to 0
:   --> top_edge_action=10  --> top_edge_action=0

top_left_corner_action 4 --> 0
top_right_corner_action 6 --> 0
right_edge_action 6 --> 0
left_edge_action 4 --> 0
bottom_left_corner_action 4 --> 0
bottom_right_corner_action 6 --> 0
bottom_edge_action 0 --> 0

- scroll down
: <mouse-5> (translated from <down-mouse-5> <mouse-5>) at that spot runs
: the command cua-scroll-up, which is an interactive compiled Lisp
: function.

: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras openjdk-8-jdk

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