Thursday, January 17, 2013

Visaul Studio Keybinding - Summary

* keybinding

** Editing
Smart Tag for using statement: Ctrl + Period
Exception Window Open: Ctrl + Alt + e
Format Idenet File: Ctrl + k + e
Format Idenet Selection Area: Ctrl + k + e
Yank to Clipboard in Current line: Shift + Del
                                   Ctrl + L
                                   Ctrl + Shift + L
Comment Region: Ctrl + k + c
UnComment Region: Ctrl + k + u

Expanding/Collapsing: Ctrl + m + m
Generate get & set method for member: Ctrl + r + e

Move start / end bracelet: Ctrl + } or ]
Ctrl + ~ + Ins: Cycleing Clipboard  Ring

Outline: Ctrl + M + O
out outline: Ctrl + M + L
           : Ctrl + M + P

Long Line Wrap: Ctrl + E + W

Find: Ctrl + F  (Find Before: Shift F3, Find Next: F3)

** File
flips between last two accessed files: Ctrl + Tab

** Navigation
Goto definition current object marker: F12
move the editing cursor last/next position: Ctrl + Shift + "-"

** Debuging
add/Remove marker: F9
quick watch window while debug: Ctrl + Alt + q

** Intellisense
Code snippets dialog: Ctrl + k + s
Intelli list members: Ctrl + j
list parameter info: Ctrl + Shift + Space
open intellisense: Ctrl + Space
Navigate To: Ctrl + Comma
Insert Buffer: Ctrl + Shift + Ins

** Windows Moving
View.SolutionExplorer Global::Ctrl+Alt+L
View.PropertiesWindow Global::F4
View.Toolbox Global::Ctrl+Alt+X
View.ClassView Global::Ctrl+Shift+C
Data.ShowDataSources Global::Shift+Alt+D
View.DocumentOutline Global::Ctrl+Alt+T

Window.ActivateDocumentWindow Global::Esc
Window.CloseDocumentWindow Global::Ctrl+F4 / Work Item Editor::Esc
Window.CloseToolWindow Global::Shift+Esc

Properties: F4 Alte + Enter
Full Screen: Shift + Alt + Enter

** Refactoring

** Build
Build Solution: Ctrl + Shift + B

** Other
- Solution Explore 에서 현재 열린 파일 표시
Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions
      -> General -> "Track Active Item in Solution Explorer"

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